About Crystal

Crystal's fascinations with human-psychology lead her into UX design and Girl Develop It. Girl Develop It is Crystal's way of breaking down walls and barriers for women! Four years ago, Crystal needed to change her life around. From working at a dead end job, she went back to school, met lots of new people in the tech field and landed her dream job as an UX designer at Quiet Stream Financial. Now she is meeting with C-level executives about their ideas, creating personas and building journey maps and wire frames that developers are using to build applications. She wants to share what she learned along the way.


I challenge you with this.

Even though woman and men have been working together for years, the tech world is getting all of the attention. Are we so juvenile that we can't say exactly what is going on here?! Let's eliminate the hype with a blatant, real-world talk from a woman in tech who founded the Charlotte chapter of Girl Develop It and observes, from real women (and men) what it means to have women rolling in to the tech world.

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